Malaga has many high quality 4 star hotels as you can see on this link, but if you want a more affordable price you will be interested to know our selection of some of the best 3 star hotels in Malaga city.
These hotels have been chosen by comparing the assessment and evaluation of users in different pages so you can be sure that in any of the accommodations shown you´ll find quality and trustworthy service. All hotels mentioned have been rated between 80 and 90 scores on 100.
If you want to find good prices on your search for a hotel in Malaga city we suggest you compare specialized pages on deals such as Trivago or Kayak. There are also available pages like, Edreams or Destinia and finally the websites with discount coupons like Groupon or Groupalia (only Spanish) which temporarily provide attractive discounts.
The official website of the hotel will give you a price without intermediaries which a priori should be cheaper although it is possible to discover best deals from the above pages. Of course we advise to read the conditions and all the extra services offered such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.
We also want to remember something you may already know; depending on the dates you want to travel to Malaga there will be higher or lower accommodation prices, being the summer season the most expensive.
On arrival at Malaga airport you´ll need an adequate service and convenient transportation to get to your hotel; we believe that public transport offers a service that might stay halfway behind regarding comfort; however you have the option of booking a private transfer from the airport and get to your accommodation without queues, waiting or walking.