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Huelva, a journey of discovery from Malaga with activities

Today we are going to recommend a visit to Huelva in Andalusia. A historic city that played a major role in the history of the world, as it was from its port that Christopher Columbus set sail along with the ships that would accompany him in the discovery of the new world. Not everything revolves around the discovery of America, but you will learn about other stories of Huelva, some with a greater weight throughout the centuries.

Discovering Huelva

Huelva is located at the western end of Andalusia, historically it was inhabited by different civilisations.  Tartessians, Phoenicians and Romans settled in this land and took advantage of its mining and fishing. The area of the Doñana Park in Huelva is thought to be one of the possible locations of Atlantis, the other being near the Bay of Cadiz.

Huelva enjoyed great importance during the Middle Ages, so it will be possible to find in many of the places an atmosphere and architecture that will transport us back to that time.

There is undoubtedly much more to discover in Huelva, although we are going to provide you with a small sample of everything you can discover and experience in this region.

Huelva and Prehistory

Although the Dolmens of Antequera are better known in Andalusia, to which we can also take you, there are many others, such as this group of dolmens in Huelva.

City of Huelva

In the city of Huelva you will find many places where you can take spectacular photographs.

Rio Tinto Company dock

Muelles de Compañía minera en Huelva

Since ancient times Huelva has been a great mining resource for the different civilisations that have settled in the area. The English Rio Tinto Company Limited was in operation from the end of the 19th century until the middle of the 20th century, leaving behind some relics such as this pier, from where you can photograph beautiful sunsets.

Despite its age, it is well preserved, although in the case of visiting it with small children it is advisable to keep an eye on them at all times. Nearby is the seafront promenade, ideal for a stroll.

It is located at the mouth of the Odiel River.:

Carmen Market

The fish and seafood sold in Huelva is very popular throughout Andalusia. We especially recommend the Huelva prawns, of great quality and variety. You will also find stalls with a wide range of salted and canned fish. If you don’t want to cook, you can always sit down in one of the stalls in this market, where you can enjoy it comfortably without having to cook it.



Palos de la Frontera

Huelva is world famous for being the place where Christopher Columbus set sail from on the 3rd of August 1492.  If you visit the city of Huelva you will find many places to visit related to the discovery of America.  In Palos de la Frontera, a town near the city and the current port of Huelva, you will find our first destination.

Palos de la Frontera is a beautiful town near the city of Huelva. Here you will find numerous monuments and squares from the time of the discovery.

Port of Palos

Puerto de Palos

This is an essential place to visit to learn about the history of Huelva. It was from this port that the three ships were supplied and departed. Nowadays there is a recreation of the ships that were used.


La Fontanilla

Pozo antiguo Palos de la Frontera

This is where the sailors who sailed with Christopher Columbus filled the barrels with water that would accompany them on the ship before their voyage into the unknown.


Martín Alonso Pinzón House Museum

This is the house where the Pinzón family lived, who actively participated in the discovery of America. Martín Alonso Pinzón was the eldest of the brothers who travelled on the first voyage of discovery and the lessee of two of the ships, the Pinta and the Niña.


Church of St George the Martyr

Iglesia de Palos de la Frontera

The Catholic Monarchs ordered the construction of two ships to be built in this church. It was also the place where Christopher Columbus prayed before leaving for the new world.


Minas de Riotinto

This municipality in Huelva was created as a result of the mining exploitation that began at the end of the 19th century. The population centre reached its peak around 1900 with around 13,000 inhabitants, although it gradually declined to the 3778 recorded in 2021.

In the centre of the municipality, according to ancient texts found, there was an ancient Roman city dedicated to mining activities until around the 2nd century.


Corta Atalaya en Riotinto


The Riotinto Mines are considered to be one of the most important mines of antiquity. There is evidence of mining activity since the Copper and Bronze Ages, although it was the Romans who began mining on a larger scale. Roman mining activity would be operational until around the end of the 2nd century, after which it would be abandoned for centuries. It would not be until the modern period at the end of the 19th century that it would be resumed.

tren Minas de Rio Tinto

In the area corresponding to the mines you will find all kinds of remains and old machinery used for mining.

Rio Tinto
Rio Tinto passing through Nerva

Recreation of an English colonial house

In this house you can see what life was like for an English engineer at the beginning of the 20th century. These houses are located in a residential neighbourhood Bellavista created by the English company in charge of exploiting the mines.

Parajes Naturales

In Huelva there are numerous natural spots and beaches that we recommend you visit.

Gossan reservoir

Visiting this area will make you feel as if you have travelled to another planet. Strange formations emerge from the reddish earth.


Odiel Marshlands

This natural site has hiking trails, estuaries and is accessible both on foot and by bicycle.


Doñana National Park: El Acebuche

Parque de Doñana

Large nature reserve with wetlands, an important population of Iberian Lynx and a large ecosystem.  The car park is large and there are many trails in the area where you can explore the Doñana National Park and discover its secrets.

If you like nature you should not miss the opportunity to visit this place.


Festivals and Fairs in Huelva

If you want to visit and get to know Huelva, you may be interested in doing so on one of its most important dates, so that you can not only visit monuments but also fully immerse yourself in the culture of the region.

El Rocío

The Pilgrimage of El Rocío is one of the most popular events in Huelva, attracting thousands of people from all over Spain every year. It is a pilgrimage that takes place on foot, on horseback or by cart, passing through the Doñana National Park and arriving at a hermitage in El Rocío.

This would be part of a route of the El Rocío pilgrimage.:

Huelva’s Colombinas Festivities

Declared a Festival of Tourist Interest in Andalusia, these festivities have been held every year since 1882 to commemorate the sailors who set sail from the Port of Palos in 1492.

You will find many activities during these celebrations, from sporting activities to cultural events and a traditional fair with mechanical attractions for all ages.

These festivities take place around 3 August, the day on which the three caravels set sail, and last for 6 days.

Colombino Fairgrounds:

Transfer from Malaga to Huelva

We provide from large capacity minibuses to smaller vehicles. Choose depending on the number of people travelling to Huelva or the amount of luggage you bring.

If you are travelling in a group we recommend a minibus. This way you will get the cheapest possible trip per person to Huelva. We have vehicles with 4, 7, 13, 22, 26 and 54 seats.

Road route

The journey from Malaga to Huelva by road will take just over 3 hours and is mostly along the A-92 road. The route to take passes through Seville, so you can also visit Seville if you feel like it.

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